Short story: Approach

He stared across the bow, glancing to the display as it unfurled the derelict before them. Hiding in the shadow of a tan and violent planet,
a malcontent dreadnought loomed it’s dismay. Fragmented, lay bare was once a paragon of ingenuity.. now broken.
“Ship, open comms..”
With wirrs and chirps the system began carrying out commands. The captain began to tap his index against the pedestal. With each flick,
his skin changing in pigment.
“Trident, are you receiving us? This is the Harbinger. We’ve picked up your distress signal, what is your situation?”
The crew each hold their breath as though in a ritual to change the unknown to the discernable…
Static and other noises best left unrecognized..
Following a blunt sigh, the now pale captain turns to his crew, eyeing each member briefly.
“Get your suits ready and power up the Mannequin.. It’s a big ship, far too much ground to cover.”

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